Formation Rust Club Robot INSAT

This is a recap page for the introduction to Rust presentation I did for the Robotics Club of INSA Toulouse.

Here is the summary of the points treated, keep in mind those are cherry-picked in the goal of coding embedded systems in rust. That’s why for example multi-threading and most std features were not included. Other’s like lifetimes were excluded for simplicity as the objective was to introduce the language in less than 3h.


  • Qu’est-ce que c’est Rust et pourquoi on utilise ?
  • Cargo & Hello World
  • Concepts communs de la programmation
  • The ownership model
  • Structs
  • Traits
  • Généricité
  • Enum and pattern matching
  • Traitement d’erreurs
  • Modules and crates
  • Collections (Vec, Strings)
  • Tests automatiques
  • Iterators
  • Closures

Practice exercice:


Presentation - powerpoint

Presentation - PDF

Rust cheat sheet

Rust book ( The real bible )

This presentation is heavily based on the book, with adapted order and content:

🦀 Bible

And remember failure is not an Option it's a Result<T,E>